About Deep-LASI

The Fablab

The Fablab is a group for Advanced Fluorescence Imaging in the Department of Physical Chemistry at the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität of Munich, Germany. Our main research focus lies in the development of single-molecule techniques for studying biological systems, in vivo and in vitro. To analyse single-molecule data acquired in structural biology projects, we started to write Deep-LASI as a user-friendly software that can be easily employed in a multi-disciplinary environment. More information about the associated research projects and team members can be found on our Homepage.


Deep-LASI was developed over the last few years. Bässem Salem started developing the core program TRacer for extracting single-molecule traces from multiple cameras and alternating laser excitation schemes. We thank Philip Messer, who implemented the Wavelet algorithm for the reliable detection of single molecules. Eternal thanks goes to Simon Wanninger, who managed to marry the power of Python libraries with a robust trace extraction of the MATLAB-based program. Using simulations, neuronal networks and deep-learning algorithms, he challenged the secrets of Hidden Markov and saved us years of our lifetime :)